TechTyrol: Podcast für Innovation und Technik aus den Alpen

TechTyrol: Der neue Technikpodcast aus den Alpen ?️

Kurz vor Weihnachten und dem Jahreswechsel gibt es spannende Neuigkeiten: TechTyrol, ein neuer Technikpodcast, geht an den Start! Ziel des Projekts ist es, aktuelle Technologietrends und Innovationen aus Südtirol und der Alpenregion zu beleuchten – ein frischer Blick auf Technik direkt aus der Region.

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SFSCON 2024: two winners, two great projects

SFSCON 2024 – A success as always!

Although South Tyrol is a relatively small province in the north of Italy, the atmosphere here is one of innovation. Always before the second weekend in November, the NOI Techpark is all about: Free Software, Open Source, Linux and much more! Since 2004, we, the Linux User Group Bolzano, have also been awarding an annual prize for special achievements in the field of free software. Recently, however, we have made a small change: together with the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), we have gone one step further. The prize has been split into two categories: the South Tyrolean Free Software Award (SFS Award) and the European SFS Award. The European SFS Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to Free Software in Europe. The SFS Award is awarded to a person who has made a special contribution to Free Software in South Tyrol.

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