Die Document Foundation hat die Freigabe von LibreOffice 5.1 bekanntgegeben …
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Canonical, il tablet Ubuntu che promette convergenza
L’OS Linux di Shuttleworth arriva finalmente sulle tavolette, supportando diversi modi di lavorare e l’utilizzo del tablet come PC con mouse e tastiera nei paraggi. …
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Europäisches Parlament spricht sich für mehr freie Software aus
Die öffentlichen Verwaltungen sollen mehr freie Software einsetzen. …
Internet of Things with Open Source Software
„We will have 3 great guest speakers from Canonical (Ubuntu), the Eclipse Foundation and Resin.io to talk about and show you how to build cool IoT stuff. Learn how to use Ubuntu Core on a RaspberryPi and download Snappy IoT apps instantly, manage IoT and Home Automation devices easily and deploy and manage your device’s software remotely“
Via Sommarive, 18
Aula 102 – Primo Piano Edificio Nord
38123 Trento
Tuesday, 12 January 2016 from 17:30 to 20:30 (CET)
Public Transportation:
Arrival from central station Trentino: Line 5
Piazza Dante Statizione FS >> Povo „Fac. Scienze“
16:49 >> 17:04
17:09 >> 17:24
Povo „Fac. Scienze“ >> Piazza Dante Stazione FS (Dogana)
20:04 >> 20:15
20:24 >> 17:35